7 July 2009

Brisbane odyssey part 4

Saturday morning was quite a fragile one. Sam was funny. First he wanted to go down to the spa with an instant coffee, then that was freezing, so he wanted to sit in the gym and watch an episode of the Simpsons. Eventually, after the most expensive breakfast ever, we went skating and he got his hair caught in the window:


We skated the best spot I have been to in years, just over the road from the Alibi room at an old cinema. Of course, we couldn't do much more than sit in the shade, but Trent, Will and Ben showed us what was possible.


The rest of the day is a blur now, mainly because my battery was flat. Sonny and Joe went home to Sydney. The next day, we went down the coast and skated the new park in Nerang. This thing was the interesting, challenge obstacle. Going over it frontside proved quite freaky, in fact, I don't think any of us did it successfully. Backside was ok. See the clip I made for details.


We also skated Varsity park, which was great too, though pretty wacky and full of kids. Sam and Ben played a game of SKATE for about an hour.


We ended up at the theatre spot again, this time a little more prepared. So amazing. The concrete is better than the usual stuff. I think they made it better in the 60s or whenever it was made.


One more thing about this spot, lights come on when it gets dark! This young fellow lives over the road and comes over whenever there is a session on. What a good way to get started on the skate life.


Leaving the spot.



Will drove us to dinner in his work truck. Trent sat in the back and played tetris.


It was at a mexican pizza joint. Andy and Heather came along,


As did my gracious hosts, Ben and Elissa.


Sam wanted to order the 'Queenslander' to be funny, and based on his previous disasterous XXXX gold antics, I was somewhat hesitant and insisted on getting half vego. Turns out the Queenslander portion, which was what is usually referred to as Hawaiian, was by far the superior half. Touche.


On our last day, Sam and I returned to the gallery to pick up his piece. It was nice to have a look when it was clean and quiet.


This is my section. A selection of photos, the drawings I did of friends when I was sick, and an accompanying zine that hung from a hook.


Matt kindly drove us over to GOMA, where we had a coffee and said our goodbyes. Matt, thank you for everything!


We had a look around and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It's such a cool place. There were even a few laughs had, and a woman mistook me for her old friend Paul.


Ah, Brisbane.


Ah, Will. Will drove us out to the airport, and we left. Sam played Sodoku and I went to sleep.


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