24 December 2011

Merry xmas!

It's a xmas miracle! Sam is back on the board! Well, he was for a few seconds, before deeming it a stupid idea and walking to Danny's instead.


I was sick last weekend, it seems my body decided I was done for the year a week early. So instead of working on my tan at suburban skateparks, I made a little book of my favourite photos from 2011. Dion very kindly agreed to printing out the bastard on his amazing riso printer.


"Happy accidents" ensued, such as this mash-up of Conor and Bonnie with Sam. This is to become a collector's item.


We printed the hell out of it, then all there was left to do was bind the sucker and get it out to the people.


I went on a quick mission around the local hood, slipping the little book under unsuspecting doors. Jason happened to be walking out of his door at exactly the moment that I appeared. Another xmas miracle!


I also dropped in at Grey Gardens - Penny's HQ.


The next logical step was the Compound - Scottie's HQ. Here he is adopting his stoner persona.


As per usual, we did an impromptu glamour fashion shoot.


My Santa-like rounds were cut short when I realised we had to clean the house, pack and fly to New Zealand within a couple of hours. I will deliver more books upon our return. The downside of going on plane-like travels is always leaving our little muse Tess behind. She is in safe hands with the lovely Sarah T.


At the airport. I just can't get enough of these things.


BAM! We're in NZ. Here's Tom, Ralph and Rosie, with parents and fellow Scotts Sam and Jessica in the background.


Being a grandpa must be so much fun


We dined at the most picturesque cafe in Wellington.


Sam took us to a pretty incredible South African food wholesaler place. He is kind of a big deal there. They swung into action as soon as he appeared, offering us coffees and tastings of various cave aged cheeses and expensive, buttery pork products. Pretty good!


Later on, Rosie had me losing my shit making Ralph (the dog) play songs on the guitar.


Ralph (the person) and Jessica appear to be non-plussed, but Rosie had them eating out of her hand. Ralph is yet to warm to me, but I am determined to win him over.


We did a spot of xmas shopping in town. Spotted these beauties.


Took Lulu for a walk around Tom and Averil's place.


It's getting pretty xmassy here. It's perfect Max weather too, nice and bright and cool.


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