Sarah bought a new bike! It's beautiful, befittingly.
I'm driving a van with the Girl team from Melbourne to Sydney over the next few days. It's quite the surreal experience.
Went to a pool in a hastily abandoned mansion.
Creepy wedding photos everywhere, along with signs by the guy who squats there that he will beat the crap out of you if he finds you there.
Koston remarked that this was a good rug.
Shredding ensued. I watched, frozen to my seat.
There were some sweet clothes you could just take and wear.
Skate Mental ad, perhaps?
Rick ollied around the corner to decker. Quite the sesh.
Rod presided over the whole thing.
The ugly side of that business. Could be worse.
The demo at Frankston had it's ups and downs due to windiness and the park being to big to see everything. Plenty of shredding though.